Looking for the Free Microlite20/7x/8x/2020 Rules Downloads?

There are well over 100 free downloads of rules (and more) for Microlite20, Microlite2020, Microlite7x, Microlite 81, and their many variants in the Game Download Library area below. These files can be downloaded without creating a membership on this site.




Update (19 Jun 23):

As I mentioned many weeks ago, maintaining the seldom used Wordpress side of this site became too much of a bother, especially as parts of Wordpress are constantly updating and some those updates break things -- like access to this forum. I'm finally had time to remove it. The forum should stop disappearing from view now.

As many of you know, my wife has had MS for about 20 years now. It has gotten to the stage where helping her takes a lot more of my time that it used to. This means visits to this board have become few and far between. I'm looking for a couple of members willing to help moderate this board. Note that if your idea of good moderation is anything similar the way boards like RPG.net are moderated, do not bother volunteering. Good moderation isn't about forcing your opinions, ideological positions, or biases on members via your power to gag and ban, it is about being helpful to all members (even those you don't like/disagree with), cleaning up after spammers, and enforcing the rules with the lightest hand possible and only doing so when the rules are actually broken. If you are interested in any message board moderation position on any board because of the supposed "power" it will give you, you are (IMHO) the wrong person for the job. If you are interested, PM me. It may taken quite a while to reply, unfortunately.

Search found 49 matches

by Vanya
Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:16 am
Forum: Microlite20 Variants
Topic: The Creation of Assets and Complications as an Action
Replies: 4
Views: 18653
United States of America

Re: The Creation of Assets and Complications as an Action

That's an interesting rule.
It feels like a simplified combination of PF1e's Aid Another and Dirty Trick.
My best friend would love it.

by Vanya
Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:00 pm
Forum: Design and Development
Topic: Summer Witching Program: Can I sell it?
Replies: 2
Views: 9537
United States of America

Re: Summer Witching Program: Can I sell it?

Yeah, that's more or less the gist of it. And making your own content based on OGL stuff is kinda the point of the OGL in the first place. And every OGL source will have Open Content and Product Identity spelled out in the its own OGL section. Lastly, a good rule of thumb is that most things that re...
by Vanya
Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:34 pm
Forum: Design and Development
Topic: Microlite20 Character Sheet - Google Sheets
Replies: 8
Views: 19993
United States of America

Re: Microlite20 Character Sheet - Google Sheets

Neat. This looks really useful.

by Vanya
Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:45 pm
Forum: Microlite2020 Core Rules
Topic: Donjons Deep and Caverns Old: The first Microlite2020 supplement! (that i know of)
Replies: 3
Views: 23238
United States of America

Re: Donjons Deep and Caverns Old: The first Microlite2020 supplement! (that i know of)

Very nice supplement!!
There's a good mix of new options and the NPC Plug-ins are fantastic.
Will definitely be borrowing some ideas from here.

by Vanya
Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:27 pm
Forum: Site and Community
Topic: New? Introduce Yourself Here!
Replies: 32
Views: 67495
United States of America

Re: New? Introduce Yourself Here!

Fortunately you usually don't need to read all the pages to play such games. A lot of the rules are much easier to learn while playing, too.

by Vanya
Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:51 pm
Forum: Site and Community
Topic: New? Introduce Yourself Here!
Replies: 32
Views: 67495
United States of America

Re: New? Introduce Yourself Here!

Hiya, Rip! Welcome to the community. I have to admit that hearing someone call 5e complex is a bit strange to me. Regardless, Microlite is definite the right fit for those looking for a satisfyingly simple game. BTW, if you make your head spin, try reading the rules for Rifts. Now that's a complex g...
by Vanya
Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:41 pm
Forum: The Prancing Pegasus
Topic: The Inns are "IN"
Replies: 2
Views: 17991
United States of America

Re: The Inns are "IN"

That's awesome! I'm going to remember that for the next time my players get rowdy and stupid in town. ;D
Fun fact, The Inn of the Isles is about a year older than me.

by Vanya
Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:37 pm
Forum: Design and Development
Topic: I'm thinking about making a Jurrassic Park game
Replies: 2
Views: 6866
United States of America

Re: I'm thinking about making a Jurrassic Park game

I have no doubt that someone will want to play it.
I say go for it!

by Vanya
Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:45 pm
Forum: The Prancing Pegasus
Topic: The Inns are "IN"
Replies: 2
Views: 17991
United States of America

The Inns are "IN"

I still haven't used this one yet, but... This was inspired by a trip to Downtown Disney last year. The Polite Pig Inn and Tavern~ Owned and operated by two orc sisters named Bessie and Penelope. (They were raised by human adopted parents.) They employ a Half-ogre bouncer named Hogg. (Not that brigh...
by Vanya
Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:37 pm
Forum: Microlite2020 Core Rules
Topic: Character Sheet
Replies: 7
Views: 26140
United States of America

Re: Character Sheet

Updated the first post with yet another "final" version.
I took inspiration from another custom character sheet and moved the magic attack to the top of the spells section.
And I also corrected the title header which had the name of my not-so-secret-now custom rules left in by mistake.