Looking for the Free Microlite20/7x/8x/2020 Rules Downloads?

There are well over 100 free downloads of rules (and more) for Microlite20, Microlite2020, Microlite7x, Microlite 81, and their many variants in the Game Download Library area below. These files can be downloaded without creating a membership on this site.




Update (19 Jun 23):

As I mentioned many weeks ago, maintaining the seldom used Wordpress side of this site became too much of a bother, especially as parts of Wordpress are constantly updating and some those updates break things -- like access to this forum. I'm finally had time to remove it. The forum should stop disappearing from view now.

As many of you know, my wife has had MS for about 20 years now. It has gotten to the stage where helping her takes a lot more of my time that it used to. This means visits to this board have become few and far between. I'm looking for a couple of members willing to help moderate this board. Note that if your idea of good moderation is anything similar the way boards like RPG.net are moderated, do not bother volunteering. Good moderation isn't about forcing your opinions, ideological positions, or biases on members via your power to gag and ban, it is about being helpful to all members (even those you don't like/disagree with), cleaning up after spammers, and enforcing the rules with the lightest hand possible and only doing so when the rules are actually broken. If you are interested in any message board moderation position on any board because of the supposed "power" it will give you, you are (IMHO) the wrong person for the job. If you are interested, PM me. It may taken quite a while to reply, unfortunately.

Search found 7 matches

by Desdichado
Fri Sep 20, 2019 2:01 pm
Forum: Design and Development
Topic: Microlite20 and Bounded Accuracy
Replies: 5
Views: 9492
United States of America

Re: Microlite20 and Bounded Accuracy

The earliest versions of D&D were not designed for infinite level progression. OD&D topped out at 10 to 12th level. BX topped out at 14th level. Even AD&D1e topped out at 20th level and the combat tables (not the THAC0 stuff which really wasn't standard until 2e) repeated 20 five or six...
by Desdichado
Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:12 am
Forum: Design and Development
Topic: Microlite20 and Bounded Accuracy
Replies: 5
Views: 9492
United States of America

Microlite20 and Bounded Accuracy

I'm reposting (with some minor edits) an old blog post where I considered the impact of the concept of Bounded Accuracy as it applied to my custom m20 games. Maybe here, I'll get some discussion on the topic. If you don't think that the concept of bounded accuracy is desirable, then this topic proba...
by Desdichado
Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:44 am
Forum: Site and Community
Topic: New? Introduce Yourself Here!
Replies: 32
Views: 67477
United States of America

Re: New? Introduce Yourself Here!

randalls wrote:
Wed Sep 18, 2019 5:29 pm

I will try to add the current version soon. Unfortunately, it looks like I will be busier than expected for the next 5 days or so. Real life -- again.

No big deal. It doesn't NEED to be added; I didn't suspect it was anywhere except my SD card and my Google Drive until a few days ago.

by Desdichado
Wed Sep 18, 2019 8:07 am
Forum: Site and Community
Topic: New? Introduce Yourself Here!
Replies: 32
Views: 67477
United States of America

Re: New? Introduce Yourself Here!

randalls wrote:
Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:54 pm

I really like Dark Heritage. It's one of most interesting Microlite20 variants out there. Great work, IMHO.

Thanks. I did notice that it's here in the archives, although a much earlier version than the current one. There have been a lot of changes since that version was released.

by Desdichado
Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:59 am
Forum: Rules Lite RPGs
Topic: What is your favorite Microlite20-based game?
Replies: 7
Views: 22611
United States of America

Re: What is your favorite Microlite20-based game?

I posted links to them in the Introduce Yourself thread below. Although the Google Docs embedded themselves rather than rendering as links.

by Desdichado
Tue Sep 17, 2019 9:32 am
Forum: Site and Community
Topic: New? Introduce Yourself Here!
Replies: 32
Views: 67477
United States of America

Re: New? Introduce Yourself Here!

Desdichado; name is a literary reference to one of the greatest works of literature in the English language (and tradition) although the author is actually Scottish. There's a lot of reasons why that particular name fits me, most of them subtle or personal in-jokes. The work in question is Ivanhoe b...
by Desdichado
Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:28 am
Forum: Rules Lite RPGs
Topic: What is your favorite Microlite20-based game?
Replies: 7
Views: 22611
United States of America

Re: What is your favorite Microlite20-based game?

My own kitbashed fantasy and space opera variants, respectively, of course. While the concept of m20 was always super intriguing to me, I found that it still was too mired in D&D-isms to work for my specific setting, so I ended up making some modifications. Then I needed a Star Wars game, and wa...