Has anyone done this before? My google-fu revealed talk of it, and I even found an 8 page summary, but that's about it. I will take any thoughts/advice from folks that played Fifth Age.
I am not attempting to perfectly re-create Fifth Age. I want to get close to fifth age, but I have my own twist on magic. Here is what I have so far:
I use BODY (Hearts), DEX (Clubs), and MIND (Diamonds) as stats. I have a fourth stat, FATE (no suit) that is used for casting spells. As you would imagine, Melee = BODY + Played Cards >= Target Number, Missile uses DEX, and casting Spells uses FATE.
The big difference is that players avoid attacks instead of the GM rolling/drawing cards. It is a saving throw, DEX + Played Cards for melee and missile defense, and MIND + Played Cards for magic defense.
Just like Fifth Age, playing a card with the associated suit (playing a Club for a DEX test) allows you to take a card from the draw pile and add it to the card you played. Playing a Spade on a failure allows 'something bad to happen'.
I plan to convert the spell building system, but I'm working on sample spells as the original game only provided two examples. Spell building would be a separate document, I just want a grimoire for the rules for now.
Again, any thoughts are welcome.